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Friday, March 30, 2012

Earth Hour 2012

Did you forgotten this yearly event?

Earth Hour, started with an idea, to turn off light for 1 hour
an idea that become a symbol
a symbol that become a movement
a global movement that unites eveyone of us to protect our planet

Earth Hour fall on last Saturday of March every year (March 31 this year, 8.30PM-9.30PM), asking people to turn off the non-essential lights for one hour.

Participation in Earth Hour is just a symbolic action of commitment to change beyond the hour.
It’s not just about saving energy for one hour, but on-going movements and actions beyond the hour, for a sustainable planet.

Let's take part, and start to change.

Some suggestions what you can do during Earth Hour:
-Candlelight dinner
-Night game/party with friends for family
-Wildlife walk
-Nightime city walk
-Or even, sleep!

If you plan on burning candles, make sure you use 100% beeswax candles or soy candles, which are gentler on our planet - smoke free, non-toxic and non-allergenic.